2025年1月1日 星期三

Unofficial HK Masters Athletics Records (31-12-2024)

Important note: Please read the eligibility criteria first before accessing the records:

This update mainly covers the results of World Masters Athletics Championships in Gothenburg, Sweden and the 9th Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships, as well as individual submissions certain local and overseas meets. 

1) Those road races/track & field c/ships without clearly defined 5-year-old age groups in line with AMA/WMA will NOT be accepted for submission claim. The only possible exception is where the results website discloses the individual age of ALL (not only the athlete submitting his/her records claim) participants. 

2) From this version of the records onwards, any submission of records claims in respect of  those meets which 
- are unable to provide the windspeed information in respect of results of sprint (less than 400m) and LJ/TJ, and/or
- do not operate with fully automatic timing system (FAT)
shall be treated as "informal records", which are shown (in italic) together with the "formal records" (which are either existing records*, or those which fulfill the FAT and windspeed requirements). 

*All existing records will not be affected (and will not be revisited). 

Below is the Google Form for record submission claim. We shall update the records on June and December each year. All corrections/rectification will only be reflected in the latest version of the Masters records. 

Thanks for your kind attention. 

Men's' Outdoor: 
Women's Outdoor: 

Men's Indoor: 

Women's Indoor (unchanged): 

2024年6月30日 星期日

Unofficial HK Masters Athletics Records (30-6-2024)

 Important note: Please read the eligibility criteria first before accessing the records:

This update mainly covers the results of Taiwan Masters Spring Meet and Singapore Masters 2024, as well as individual submissions certain overseas indoor meets and China Coast Half Marathon 2024. 

Only those road races/track & field c/ships with clearly defined 5-year-old age groups in line with AMA/WMA will be accepted. The only possible exception is where the results website discloses the individual age of all (not only the athlete submitting his/her records claim) participants. 

Below is the Google Form for record submission claim. We shall update the records on June and December each year. All corrections/rectification will only be reflected in the latest version of the Masters records. 

2023年12月24日 星期日

Unofficial HK Masters Athletics Records (31-12-2023)

Important note: Please read the eligibility criteria first before accessing the records:

This update mainly covers the results of HKMAC 2023 and AMAC 2023, as well as individual submissions in respect of Taiwan Masters Meet, All Japan Masters Meet, and others, together with some minor corrections.

Please note that all corrections/rectification will only be reflected in the latest version of the Masters records. 

Below is the Google Form for record submission claim. We shall update the records on June and December each year.

2023年7月1日 星期六

Unofficial HK Masters Athletics Records (30-06-2023)

Important note: Please read the eligibility criteria first before accessing the records:

This update covers WMAC Indoor Torun in March 2023, as well as individual submissions in respect of Taiwan Masters Meet, Shatin Easter Grand Prix Meet, Victoria Athletic Club Masters Meet, and others.   

All results of throw events in WMACi have been reclassified as outdoor for the purpose of our masters records purpose (together with other non-stadia events).   

If you have any correction request please either submit by Google Form or e-mail to hkmastersrecords@gmail.com by the end of Friday, 7 July 2023. 

Outdoor - Men

Outdoor - Women

Indoor - Men

Indoor - Women

2023年6月26日 星期一

New Google Form for Record Claims Submission

Dear all, 

With immediate effect please input your record claims to the following Google Form: 


We allow record claims for mixed gender relays held after 1 January 2023. For such claims please send your information and supporting documents/website to hkmastersrecords@gmail.com instead of filling this Google Form. 

Following the above changes please also see our updated our records claims criteria below: 


Please read the updated criteria before submission of your claims. 

From 1 July 2023 onwards: 

1) Only the following meets will be automatically considered without requirement of submission of your records claims: 

- Hong Kong Masters Athletics Championships

- Asia Masters Athletics Championships

-World Masters Athletics Championships (Indoor and Outdoor)

Any new records claims in other meets please use the above Google Form. 

2) the e-mail address hkmastersrecords@yahoo.com.hk will no longer be used. Please send your enquiry (and records claims submission for mixed gender relays held after 1 January 2023) to hkmastersrecords@gmail.com

2023年1月1日 星期日

2022年9月5日 星期一

Unofficial HK Masters Athletics Records (31-8-2022)

Important note: Please read the eligibility criteria first before accessing the records:

This update has taken into account the results of WMAC 2022 in Tampere, Finland and Masters Europa 2022 in Lovosice, Czech Republic.